
At Irdeto, sustainability means protecting our shared future, renewing our planet and empowering people and communities.

We focus on our people, planet and purpose by championing Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), adhering to international sustainability standards, and integrating Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) principles into all of our programs and policies.

These actions will empower the growth of our sustainability initiatives, meaningfully integrate our ambitions, and create value for Irdeto within our industries, communities and world.

Through collaboration, Irdeto is accountable for creating a sustainable, responsible and secure world.

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Irdeto's FY24 sustainability report

Learn more about our Sustainability at Irdeto program's key achievements, progress, and commitments for the future.



We always aim to maintain ethical and fair business practices



We strive to limit our environmental footprint wherever we operate


Sustainable Procurement

We work towards promoting sustainability across our supply chain


Labor & Human Rights

We operate with a “people-first” approach

Sustainability is not merely an aspiration of responsibility; rather, it encompasses an obligation to continuously demonstrate our integrity by positively impacting the people and the world around us. Irdeto achieves this through continuous, constructive, and conscientious engagement with our stakeholders, which helps to realize a united and sustainable future.

Social Responsibility Programs

Diversity and Inclusion
  • Our people are our biggest asset and Diversity and Inclusion is not something we overlook. It is part of our business DNA, and guides us to make informed and ethical decisions to ensure we always do the right thing.
  • We are committed to building smart, healthy, diverse and inclusive work environments for our people and providing equal opportunities and fair treatment in employment.
Volunteer days
  • Each Irdetee has 10 volunteer days every year so that they can give back to their communities. When people get together and work towards the same goal, their impact becomes much bigger. As they say, “one plus one equals three”.
  • From cooking meals for refugees and the homeless to fishing plastic out of canals in Amsterdam and removing trash from the mountains in Beijing – our Irdetees are creating a positive impact everywhere they go.
Irdeto Tech Garden
  • Every year, we host a ‘Tech Garden’ event for children to share our knowledge, passion for technology, and plant some “seeds” about the importance of science and technology.
  • Here, we host some sessions with fun activities around Lego, DIY model making and 3D printing. For the older teens, we deliver more advanced workshops and interactive games on Scratch (programming language) and Crypto Code to learn about Morse code, Caesar cipher and ancient code that was used during the wartime.
Irdeto Moves
  • Irdeto knows how to move – it has great athletes that represent our company in their local communities and even international marathons.
  • In 2021 Irdeto Moves brought together 181 Irdeto colleagues across our 14+_ global offices who participated in a monthly challenge to stay connected, keep active to take care of our well-being, all while raising funds for to the fight against COVID-19.
  • Our goal? To move together for 50,000 minutes and donate $5,000 USD to COVAX. The results? 107,865 active minutes, $10,000 USD raised and 2,000 COVID vaccines donated to COVAX – doubling our initial goal ?
  • This initiative continues – alternating between the organizations we support.

Global Initiatives


The United Nations Global Compact

Irdeto supports the world’s largest corporate sustainability initiative, the UNGC, by developing responsible business strategies aligned with Ten Principles on human rights, labor, environment and anti-corruption. Irdeto’s UNGC commitment will therefore help us continue developing and implementing sustainability actions across the organization.

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

As part of our UNGC participation, Irdeto strives to contribute towards all the 17 SDGs. However, we believe that we can make the most impact in the achievement of these six goals:

SDG 3 – Good Health and Well-Being
Irdeto offers our employees a range of programs and resources to ensure their wellbeing, such as mental resilience and employee resistance programs.
SDG 4 – Quality Education
Irdeto is committed to initiating and supporting community investment and educational programs. We therefore offer an inspiring environment for our employees through learning and development opportunities.
SDG 5 – Gender Equality
Irdeto decided to take SDG 5 further and focus on Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) as a whole. By fostering workforce diversity initiatives, we aim to reduce the cybersecurity talent gap and act with an inclusive mindset.
SDG 7 – Affordable and Clean Energy
Irdeto is committed to utilize renewable energy for our global locations. We actively promote and facilitate the transition to renewable energy sources, such as the development of a reliable and accessible EV charging infrastructure.
SDG 8 – Decent Work and Economic Growth
Our employees are recognized as our greatest asset and by empowering them we ensure ongoing innovation, customer satisfaction and market leadership in the industries we operate in
SDG 13 – Climate Action
We believe that it is our responsibility to ensure that we do business in a manner that enriches our environment and planet with minimal negative impact

The Science Based Targets Initiative

The Science Based Targets initiative is a framework for companies committed to setting science-based net-zero targets for their emissions reductions. We have proudly committed to developing such targets, proving our ambitions of reducing our GHG emissions in line with a 1.5 °C future.

Net-Zero Campaigns

Developing targets in line with net-zero enables us to join the Race to Net-Zero. This will further help us accelerate our net-zero ambitions and work towards a sustainable business model.


Irdeto Technology India Pvt. Ltd – E-Waste Policy

At Irdeto Technology India Pvt. Ltd., we believe that it is our responsibility to ensure that we do business in such a manner that it enriches our environment and planet. That’s why we make sure that we deliver innovative and eco-friendly products to our consumers.


Hack Your Future

We have partnered with HYF to increase the access to quality education for underprivileged groups preparing them enter the world of tech.




Irdeto has been awarded a Silver Rating for our sustainability initiatives. Our performance is ranked among the top 10% of all companies rated by Ecovadis.

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Our parent company, MultiChoice Group, received an AA rating from MSCI, meaning that the Group has proven to have a high resilience to long-term.

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Our parent company, MultiChoice Group, received an ESG risk rating of 15.9 from Sustainalytics, meaning the Group has a low ESG risk exposure.


The Sustainability@Irdeto initiative received the DPP Committed to Sustainability mark, recognizing the company's commitment to addressing environmental issues.