PKI and certificate management for OEMs and Tier-1s
Keys & Credentials is a managed security service for the complete life cycle of trusted identities, secrets and secured firmware for connected embedded products. It simplifies the design and manufacturing of secure devices, by easily integrating into silicon and at the production lines.
Why should you use Keys & Credentials?
Proven and compliant
350 million embedded devices protected, 1 billion PKI certificates issued, ISO:27001-certified facilities with Irdeto professionals for safeguarding your critical assets.

Hosted, on-prem, distributed with centralized management; X.509 PKI, code signing certificates, symmetric keys, passwords, wide support for HW roots-of-trust in devices.

Support for key management standards (SCEP, EST, PKCS#11, KMIP) and major Hardware Security Modules brands (Utimaco, nCipher, SafeNet, IBM); role-based authorization integrated with enterprise identity providers.

Protecting global manufacture and service brands
Irdeto Keys & Credentials laid the security foundation into 350 million embedded products and issued more than 1 billion PKI certificates

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