Keys & Credentials


Keys & Credentials for transportation


PKI and certificate management for OEMs and Tier-1s

Keys & Credentials is a managed security service for the complete life cycle of trusted identities, secrets and secured firmware for connected embedded products. It simplifies the design and manufacturing of secure devices, by easily integrating into silicon and at the production lines. 

Why should you use Keys & Credentials?

Proven and compliant

350 million embedded devices protected, 1 billion PKI certificates issued, ISO:27001-certified facilities with Irdeto professionals for safeguarding your critical assets.

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Hosted, on-prem, distributed with centralized management; X.509 PKI, code signing certificates, symmetric keys, passwords, wide support for HW roots-of-trust in devices.



Support for key management standards (SCEP, EST, PKCS#11, KMIP) and major Hardware Security Modules brands (Utimaco, nCipher, SafeNet, IBM); role-based authorization integrated with enterprise identity providers.


Protecting global manufacture and service brands

Irdeto Keys & Credentials laid the security foundation into 350 million embedded products and issued more than 1 billion PKI certificates

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What do our customers say?
“As Irdeto understands the behaviours of non-ethical hackers, it does not rely on a perimeter security model; instead, it employs an in-depth security strategy for connected cars.”
Sriram Venkatraman |
Senior Consultant, Frost & Sullivan
“Keystone offers an intuitive and elegant app and IVI design with a proper threat analysis done from the start. The user-centered design of Keystone, combined with advanced software protection, provides OEMs and tier 1 suppliers with a cost-effective solution that is faster to implement than developing a proprietary system. This security approach puts vehicle owner safety first without impeding usability or flexibility of the solution.”
Chris Tingley |
CTO, Conjure
“Apart from being at the forefront of whitebox cryptography, Irdeto's Cloakware for Connected Transport has a distinctive cybersecurity advantage of not disclosing keys or the data during computations, which is an essential element for automation security [especially during sensor fusion]. Cloakware's uniqueness will not only mitigate imminent threats but will also support the Senate's AV START Act, essentially creating a hack-free driverless future.”
Niranjan Manohar |
Connectivity and Automotive IoT, Frost & Sullivan
“The safety of our drivers is the number one priority for XPENG. As we integrate additional connectivity into our next-generation fleet of vehicles, we recognize that security is critical to maintain consumer safety. Our long-term security partnership with Irdeto provides us with peace of mind that our drivers are protected and that they are able to use all applications as intended to enhance their driving experience.”
Neo Tan |
Chief Security Architect, XPENG
"Irdeto’s business model makes it extremely easy to scale up – and that is exactly what the growing EV market expects. Irdeto’s top quality service for one of the best-in-class prices has been the key to a successful launch of the Plug and Charge Europe project.”
Bonjad Satvat |
Project Lead, CharIN PnC Europe