OTT Suite

Grow streaming service with confidence. Secure your content and maximize your ad revenues.

Consumers are embracing streaming services

OTT streaming services are increasingly the preferred platforms for video consumption. What started as a viewing behavior for digital natives, it is now not uncommon to see older generations watching video on their mobile phones, tablets, or connected TVs. Is your OTT platform reliable and scalable enough to support the explosive growth?

Digital content piracy becomes more sophisticated

With more households shifting to streaming services and more premium content available on OTT platforms, online piracy is also upping its game. What technologies have you employed to protect your service? Are you able to identify who is pirating your content early on? How quick can you stop the piracy?

Advertising budgets continue to shift to online video

Consumer viewing behavior continues to shift to OTT platforms, and with it, advertising dollars keep moving from TV advertising to online video. But device fragmentation and ad blockers can reduce the overall reach and revenues of online ads. Are you maximizing the value of you ad inventory?

Are you looking for a Multi-DRM solution, or a full OTT platform? Do you need to track down a piracy leak, or to deliver targeted ads? Irdeto OTT suite helps streaming service providers tackle the myriad of challenges and opportunities in streaming video.


Mix and match or take it all…the choice is yours



A high-performing and scalable multi-DRM solution, Irdeto Control gives service operators the confidence to scale their business and peace of mind even during high peak events.

Media Manager


Streamline workflows and manage business complexities. Irdeto Media Manager is a video orchestration platform for effortless TV everywhere.


Forensic Watermarking


Identify individual pirate sessions, stop unauthorized streams at the source. TraceMark™ is Irdeto’s award-winning patented Forensic Watermarking solution.


Online Piracy Detection



Online Piracy Detection and Enforcement combines fingerprinting, watermarking and automation tools to monitor online media distribution.





Gather, analyse, and assess data from the web and Dark Net. Irdeto’s Threat Risk Assessment and Forensics Service provides actionable insight into threats to video business.

Cyber Investigations
and Enforcement


Collect evidence of suspected audiovisual piracy, internal fraud/theft, and cybercrimes to support customer enforcement activities (civil & criminal) and mitigates threats.


Ad Insertion

Ad Insertion


Whether you want to launch an AVOD service or maximize the value of your ad inventory, Irdeto’s ad insertion solutions are designed to deliver a seamless customer experience.

Ad Insertion

Want to learn more about how Irdeto’s OTT Suite can scale your business and grow revenues?

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Learn more about Irdeto’s OTT Suite


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