Video Games
1 min
January 11, 2022

Alder Lake’s incompatibility issue fixed

Denuvo products are built by gamers for gamers, which is why we understand the issues that are impacting your experience. We have been working tirelessly to fix any issues our customers and gamers may have been experiencing and we’re thrilled at the progress that has been made in just under a month. Want to learn more? Read on!

Alder Lake was confusing anti-piracy products…

So, what was actually the issue? As soon as the Alder Lake – Intel’s 12th generation processors based on a hybrid architecture – had been released, the gaming world discovered that over 90 popular game titles that were protected with Denuvo’s Anti-Tamper product were incompatible with its new architecture. How did that happen? Alder Lake’s new hybrid design consists of two entirely different core clusters, that make the game “think” it is running on two different computers. As a result, the game crashes or fails to load, making it unplayable. No wonder gamers were unhappy.

…and now it doesn’t anymore

As soon as we were made aware of the problem prior to the launch of the new hardware, we started working with Intel to investigate its source and to find a fix. As a result, we were able to bring down the 90-title list to zero! So, if you own – or plan to purchase – an Alder Lake processor, you can relax and enjoy the games – the recent Denuvo Anti-Tamper and Windows 10/11 updates will take care of everything.