Video Games
2 min
October 26, 2021

Intel's 12th-generation Alder Lake processor

About to be officially announced, Intel’s 12th-generation Alder Lake processor gained new details related to software optimization a few weeks ago, with an official guide released by the company aimed at developers. Among other details, it mentions that some DRM systems, such as Denuvo, may not recognize Alder Lake S hybrid core processors as legitimate systems and prevent games with outdated DRM protection from running.

Denuvo has been working closely with INTEL, as we do with other hardware providers, to verify that all our security features are working as expected and test the compatibility with their newest CPUs. It is essential to highlight that almost all game titles using the Denuvo technology will work out of the box with the Alder Lake CPU.

Suppose you are a fan of older games. In that case, a very limited number of affected titles would need to be re-protected and patched to ensure compatibility with Intel’s latest processors. In rare cases, compatibility issues may result in a crash, sometimes hours within the gameplay. Denuvo already contacted each publisher of the affected game titles and provided patches for those titles to be compatible with Alder Lake ahead of its release.

We are confident that publishers of the few affected titles are working on releasing updates that address this incompatibility as soon as possible.