b-rayZ partners with Irdeto to improve availability of care for cancer patients

The partnership kicks off as a result of Irdeto’s medical start-up and scale-up program

AMSTERDAM – March 16, 2022 – Irdeto, the world leader in digital platform cybersecurity, today announces a new partnership with med-tech software company b-rayZ, a spinoff of the University Hospital of Zurich, specialized in developing artificial intelligence software for quality management and standardization of procedures in radiology. The company is also part of a groundbreaking start-up program developed by Irdeto, focused on healthcare.

Radiology is an essential part of the early detection of numerous cancers, and breast cancer is one of the types that most often is diagnosed with the help of radiology. Breast cancer research and early detection by mammography allow for additional treatment options and reduced mortality. However, catching the disease is sometimes challenging given the tissue density of the patient, the experience of the reading radiologist, and the sensibility of the single diagnostic methods. Adequate diagnostics requires review by consenting radiologists, which is costly, slow, and doctor-dependent practice.

b-rayZ revolutionary AI medical technology addresses these challenges and reduces human errors in breast cancer diagnoses. The technology affords women the opportunity to start their therapies at an earlier stage and provides additional treatment options than with existing mammography procedures. This not only protects doctors and hospitals from liability risks associated with diagnosis challenges but ultimately reduces overall healthcare costs. The AI software developed by b-rayZ, b-box, uses AI algorithms to emulate doctor decisions and provides real-time assessment on mammograms through deep learning. It delivers an automated Quality Assurance in mammography, gives educational feedback to the radiographer, and generates documents for reporting.

One of the current healthcare challenges in technology is that hospitals are reluctant to accept centralized cloud solutions because of security reasons, which means that radiology services can be available to only a few depending upon the hospital. Current technology requires hospitals to host servers locally, making the escalation process to many healthcare solutions inviable, which results in diagnosis and patient care delays.

Through the partnership with Irdeto, the AI software developed by b-rayZ will be secured as a medical device solution, scaled, and offered to hospitals in a cloud setting. By Irdeto guaranteeing the security of b-box in the cloud, more hospitals will have access making this solution accessible to more women worldwide. So far, more than 25,000 patients have been scanned with the b-rayZ solution over two European countries. In addition to securing the software, Irdeto will provide threat modeling, support the creation and management of the Software Bill of Materials, and overall security risk lifecycle management, including post-market vulnerability.

“Irdeto is very excited to be empowering innovation through cybersecurity, be helping radiologists provide higher quality examinations and reports with fewer efforts and lower costs by securing the b-rayZ technology in the cloud,“ said Steeve Huin, CMO and Head of Business Development and Strategic Partnerships at Irdeto.

“With the b-rayZ technology and the cybersecurity excellence of Irdeto, we walk paths that did not exist before. We can bring progress to every breast cancer patient everywhere. We can personalize diagnostic strategies and tailor the digital work environment to the needs of a single professional,” said Cristina Rossi, CEO of b-rayZ.

About b-rayZ

Breast cancer kills every year more than 600’000 women, globally. Failing diagnoses because of human errors harm patients, exposes doctors to high liability risks, and increases healthcare costs. b-rayZ is transforming breast cancer diagnostics through AI ground-breaking technology for faster and better diagnoses. As of now, b-rayZ has supported over 25,000 patients in two European countries with a complete ecosystem of solutions for healthcare professionals and patients. The outstanding clinical performances of b-rayZ’s technology have been proven in seven peer-reviewed scientific publications. b-rayZ’s success is driven by a commitment to save women’s lives with breast cancer early detection. Every woman, everywhere.

For more information, please visit https://b-rayz.ch/