Video Gaming

How to build a safe mobile gaming app: 4 things all developers must know 

How to build a safe mobile gaming app: 4 things all developers must know

Mobile has become the go-to option for almost every entertainment need – video games included and has turned into a $152 billion industry, making it one of the fastest-growing platforms. But this does not discount the fact that game security vulnerabilities persist and threats continue to crowd mobile games.

This article jots down the blueprint you need to build a secure mobile gaming app and tells you how to get started.

Why are your mobile gaming apps vulnerable?

The main reasons dishonest players can treat your mobile gaming apps like a breeding ground are the loopholes these apps have, making them vulnerable to piracy and cheating. Some of these are:

  • Unencrypted coding within your game that can allow hackers to decompile the code and inject malicious code easily. This method gives them the key to the whole codebase of your game.
  • Reverse engineering that allows hackers to dissect your game to see how it works and then change the code to their wishes. This makes your code vulnerable to being copied or manipulated further.
  • Weakly secured or third-party libraries that make it possible for hackers to tap into your game. The flaws in the library or Software Development Kit (SDK) are usually something game developers turn a blind eye to, mainly because these can be expensive.
  • Memory hacking that allows for by-passing in-app purchases in free-to-play games. By isolating the points where items are sold in the game, hackers can access them for free.

…and the list goes on. All-in-all, leaving doors open for exploitation of a vulnerability in the development process may lead to more damage than you think.

4 facts you must know to build a secure mobile game

  1. Hackers are becoming more dangerous. 

Hackers are becoming more intelligent and sophisticated in their ability to exploit app vulnerabilities and launch increasingly complex attacks. Our latest report gives further evidence that security issues (including piracy, cheating and tampering) are currently among the biggest challenges mobile developers face. They are also cited as the primary factors leading to revenue loss.

Hackers never stop working, so you shouldn’t either! Having comprehensive security measures in place is crucial for mobile developers to gain the upper hand in this battle.

  1. Solutions need to be all-rounded and future-proof. 

Security solutions need to be able to address your app’s vulnerabilities early and protect it from hacking efforts over the course of its lifetime. Such protection needs to meet specific criteria, as outlined by respondents in our latest survey: high detection quality, a simple integration process, privacy compliance and a reasonable pricing structure to name just a few. Cybersecurity solutions that satisfy these requirements should be your first choice.

  1. ‘Cost-efficiency’ in cyber protection is a trap. 

Applying an all-rounded and future-proof security system to create and maintain safe mobile gaming apps comes at an inevitable cost. This is one of the main reasons that makes small to medium gaming studios or independent developers hesitate to apply protective solutions to their games. However, anti-tampering and anti-cheat solutions don’t necessarily have to be that pricey. Not to mention that failing to safeguard your mobile game can result in much higher costs for your business.

  1. A quick job is done by the devil.

Creating a perfect mobile gaming app and launching it on schedule can sometimes be difficult to achieve. The time constraints related to an agreed timeline, in most cases, can push security concerns to the lowest priority in the game development process. When you lack the necessary time, addressing app vulnerabilities properly is practically impossible. Therefore, always allow an adequate amount of time to build and test your title, but also to research and choose a trusted security partner for your upcoming release.

Want to build a secure mobile gaming app?

Our team of experts can help you. Contact us!

[FREE E-BOOK] How to protect your mobile game without a ton of effort


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