Video Games
3 min
February 28, 2023

The 4 most common misconceptions about mobile anti-tamper technology

Mobile game hacking is continually adapting its approach to pirate titles and distribute them both to suspecting and unsuspecting gamers. Just to give you an idea of the size of the problem: our analysis of the Google Play Store’s top 50 games showed that there were hacks available for 86% of them! No wonder then that more and more devs are turning to anti-tamper technology to protect both their game experience and income.

Yet there are still some misconceptions circulating in the mobile game dev community, related to how this technology works. In today’s article we’re addressing the 4 most popular of them.

1. Anti-tamper technology causes issues with battery usage on a device.

This is not true. Our comparison of a Denuvo-protected game with an unprotected one has shown that the actual battery usage is totally negligible – around 1%. So, it does not have any impact on a mobile device battery performance or longevity.

2. Anti-tamper solutions collect data on users.

The answer to this one is not a simple “yes” or “no”. It all depends on the publisher of a given game. If the anti-cheat telemetry data is not required by the publisher, then the solution stays offline and does not collect personal data at any time. This is exactly the case with Denuvo’s solutions.

3. Anti-tamper protection is not prepared for major iOS or Android upgrades.

Again, this is not true. With the top providers of anti-tamper solutions, you don’t need to worry about key releases being blocked – that would go against the provider’s best commercial interest.

Our own Denuvo Mobile Game Protection supports all officially supported hardware and OS versions to make sure that gamers always have the most protected and optimized versions of games to play.

4. Anti-tamper has bugs that can crash my game, giving me bad reviews and a lower number of application installations.

If your anti-tamper solution provider takes enough care, this is very unlikely to happen. We, for example, test every game title for compatibility with our technology, even before the publisher does its first protection run. We test our Denuvo Mobile Game Protection on a very high and increasing number of mobile devices to minimize the risk of having undiscovered bugs.


As you can see, some of the popular misconceptions about the mobile anti-tamper technology are just that: misconceptions. By implementing it, publishers protect their titles and income. Rest assured, the players’ experiences are secure and fun, just the way the publisher intended it to be.

To learn more about protecting your mobile game, contact us today!